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Edwards Dean's Circle

Edwards Dean's Circle

The Edwards Dean's Circle is an exclusive membership-based group of successful alumni and business people who help us play a vital role in building a vibrant and thriving business community.

It honours and strengthens bonds with alumni, friends, and business professionals. It demonstrates your pride in your roots and your community. And it's an ongoing commitment to giving back.

Enjoy the privileges of membership:

  • Networking with Edwards’ most influential and caring circle of friends
  • Guide the development of the Edwards School of Business
  • Exclusive Dean’s Circle events hosted by the Dean
  • Enhance student opportunities to build future professionals to build nations



Merlis Belsher

Melvin C. Berg

Wayne Brownlee

Murray Edwards

James Estey

Kent Ferguson

John Gordon

Ron & Jane Graham

Bob Hamm

Kevin Kruk

Larry Moeller

Gordon Rawlinson

Lyle Zdunich


Mansel Binkley

Joy Crawford

Michael Greenberg

Brent & Deborah Hesje

Cara Keating

Grant Kook

Bill Lamberton

George Marlatte

Scott & Grit McCreath

Margret McKenzie 

Barry Munro

John Storey

Daphne Taras

Gord & Donna Thompson

Lorne Wright

Warren Wood


Daphne Arnason & Leo Bourassa

Shelley Brown

Steve Flynn

Gord & Maureen Haddock

Kevin Leier

Duncan Mackenzie

Tom McClocklin

Matt McMillan & Krystle Sawatsky

Karen Stewart & Daniel Themig

Lynne Pearson




Jay Aasen

Govind Achuythan

Jeffrey & Desiree Bourassa

W. John Brennan

Jeret Bode

Megan Cantwell

Tim Conlin

Robert Connoly

Glenn Dagenais

Dwayne Dahl

Gordon den Brok

Matthew Ditlove

Don Engle

Ronald Fior

Rand Flynn






Sandra Foster

Don Fox 

Barry & Gisele Frank

Rod Gerla

Kerry Goulard

Audrey & Brad Grant

Kristen Hamm

Stewart Hanlon

Zane Hansen

Christopher Hengen-Braun

Art & Deb Korpach

Michael Lamborn

Greg Longster

Cindy Lowe

Wally Mah

Noreen Mahoney




Louis Marcil

Russel Marcoux

Martin Margolis 

Bryan McCrea 

Neil McMillan

Randy Meidl

Lawrence Moffat

Jack Neumann

Annette Pilipiak

Tom Pinder

Allen Ponak

Cathy & Jerry Richardson

Donald Robb

Lloyd Rowlett

Michael Rushby





Bernie Slogotski

Claudia Senkiw

Greg Smith

James Sproule

Gord Stewart

Lee Swanson

Colin Taylor

Shelley Thiel

Ryan Townend

Wayne Ulrich

Cathy Warner

Basil & Cheryl Walsen

Cliff Wiegers

Colton Wiegers

Keith Willoughby

Greg Yuel

Funding Priorities

Edwards Enhance and Innovate Fund

Your membership in the Dean's Circle helps us offer students an exceptional education and experience. Supports innovative opportunities that are not in Edwards annual operating budget, such as:

  • Bursaries for students traveling to case competitions and workshops
  • Experiential learning opportunities for students
  • Student scholarships
  • Competitions and trips for students

Dean's Circle Highlights


Join the Inner Circle

Membership in the Dean's Circle is extended to those who recognize the value and importance of a network such as this. We want your relationship with us to go the distance. We ask for a five-year commitment. Choose the tier that speaks to you.

Gift levels

  • $50,000 one-time or $10,000/year for 5 years

  • $25,000 one-time or $5000/year for 5 years

  • $10,000 one-time or $2000/year for 5 years

  • $5000 one-time or $1000/year for 5 years

Donate now 

For more information, please contact:

Steph Bodnar
Development Officer
Edwards School of Business
University of Saskatchewan
25 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
S7N 5A7

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